
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Calculator in Google

If you are an Internet user, then you may have already used Google search engine. Google is not a mere search engine any more. Google provides many services free of charge to its users. In addition to being a search engine it provides many solutions and answers to many questions. One such value added service is the calculator in google.
You may have used your windows calculator from ‘Accessories’ for your calculations. This windows calculator can be used to solve simple arithmetic problems. In this calculator you can select ‘View->Scientific’ option to perform more complex operations such as log, sin, sum etc. But if you have questions such as 1 mile equals how many kilometers, 10 KG equals how many pounds or what is the celcius value of 18.6 Farenheit then, even this scientific calculator will not be of any help.
You can use google’s calculator to answer these questions mentioned above as well as any other similar questions. Google’s calculator can be used for simple, scientific calculations as well as for convertions.
Here are some examples and tips on how to use the google’s calculator. First of all open the homepage of google. . You can get the answers for your mathematical equations in the search box.
  1. Type 3+4 in the search box and click on ‘Search’ button. Immediately you will see a calculator icon and the answer 3+4=7
  2. +,-,/ and * keys represent addition, subtraction, division and multiplication respectively. For example you can key in 5+2*3 and click on search button to get the answer as 11.
  3. You can also use the ^ key as the power symbol and the % symbol for percentage. If you type 2^10 then the answer will be 1024 which is number 2 multiplied ten times.
  4. You can also use sqrt, sin, cos, tan, log, lm etc in google calculator search box. For example try the following log(200),sqrt(4),sin(45 degrees) etc.
  5. You can also convert a number from one numbering format to another. Some of the the numbering formats are binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal. As far as google is concerned binary is represented by 0b, octal is represented by 0o and hexa decimal is represented by 0x. If you remember these then you can easily convert from one format to another. You can test this using the following examples. 54 to binary, 123 to hex, 0b110010 to octal,0×789 to binary, 0×1234 in roman numerals.
  6. You can also do conversions. For example, try the following phrases. 5 kilometers in miles, “2 miles in kilometers”,”100 degrees f in celcius”, “One hour in seconds”, “One decade in minutes”.
You can get more details about google’s calculator at


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